Tuesday 2 December 2014

Drunk Driving Law

Legal action is taken to any individual who defies the rules and regulations set aside in the operations of any country.The Ministry of roads just like any other ministry or institution has got  laws that must be observed. Failure to abide by these rules and regulations of road usage is prone to legal punishment. Driving under the influence of other substances is a major cause of the rising road carnage today. This has made it cumbersome finding a job after a DUI; Driving Under the Influence by many drivers.
Operating under the influence is the crime of driving a motor vehicle with bl;ood levels of alcohol in excess of a legal limit. Usually the blood alcohol content in the body is much high so that the driver can not stabalise his or her driving. Consequently this leads to circumstances of careless dring and loss of control thus fatal accidents.
Similar regulations apply to operation of certain types of machinery while affected by drinking alcohol or taking other strong drugsincluding but not limited to prescription drugs. This is a criminal offense in most countries.
Many employers find it difficult to give jobs to drivers who have history of driving under the influence of alcohol in most nations. This is due to the fear of causing disasters through road accidents and hence mass loss. They do shy off from such employees due to the fear of  negatively tainting  the image of their bus companies to their customers.
Therefore, to make it difficult finding a job after a DUI, the government sets regulations governing such acts. The employers also ensure that they follow the track records of all the applicants for job vacancies in their companies. This as  a result puts off such driveres away and encourage citizens who care about others lives and abide by the laws set by the judicial system of a nation.
Ther are people who view the government and  law making bodies as pressing much on them. They find it some sort of infringement of their freedom. Therfore they do not think that laws are meant for their well being.
However, there is a major reasons for seting up rules.  This is for the purpose of consistensy. Rules are  like our pointers, they tell us when we go wrong and take us back tp the right path hence consistensy bin doing the right and recommended things. When creating a process at work,very often our main motivation is for consistensy.
We make rules, procedures or policies for a purpose. We must have goals in the first place before coming up with rules. Unless you have a goal, there is no need for rules. You can do whatever you want and get whatever esults regardless of their impacts on the surrounding activities.
Drinking under the influence of substances must thus face its consequenses as stated by the law. The  government  with the law making bodies should come up with policies that make it harder to find jobs after a DUI.