Tuesday 24 November 2015

President Uhuru Kenyatta's Cabinet Reshuffles

photo by:Nation.co.ke

President Uhuru Kenyatta’s cabinet shake-Up,expands state departments

War on Graft has steadily become more rampant in Kenya today. A good number of Cabinet Secretaries have been suspended due to corruption allegations, the recent case being the Cabinet Secretary for Devolution and Planning, Mrs. Anne Waiguru.  
Following the Tuesday, 24th 2015 cabinet reshuffle by President Uhuru Kenyatta, five CS were axed and two MPs nominated. The replaced Cabinet Secretaries were as follows; Mrs. Charity Ngilu (Lands), Engineer Michael Kamau (Transport), Felix Koskei (Agriculture), Kazungu Kambi (Labour) and Davies Chirchir (Energy) who were all facing graft charges.
Talking of graft being on the rise in Kenya, Pope Francis who is much anticipated to be in the country this evening is also expected to touch on the subject. This however shall come after his speech on climate change which he is passionate about. This comes after the US presidents tour to Kenya in July. President Barack Obama also gave a speech on corrupt leadership in Kenya, therefore making it a real issue to Kenyans and their economic development.
Coming back to the Tuesday reshuffle, among those lined up to replace them are two sitting MPs. The President last night nominated Kericho Senator Charles Keter and Malindi MP Dan Kazungu as Energy and Mining Cabinet Secretaries respectively.
Other changes were as listed below:

11.      Mining - Dan Kazungu
22.    Environment - Prof Judy W Wakhungu
33.      Devolution & Planning - Mwangi Kiunjuri
44.      Water & Irrigation - Eugene Wamalwa
55.      Finance – National Treasury - Henry K Rotich
66.      Sports Arts & Culture - Dr Hassan Wario Arero
77.      Education - Dr Fred Okengo Matiangi
88.      Transport & Infrastructure - James Macharia
99.      Agriculture - Willy Bett
110.  Interior - Gen (Rtd) Joseph K Nkaissery
111.  Foreign Affairs - Amb Amina Mohamed
112.  Public Service Youth & Gender Affairs - Sicily Kanini Kariuki
113.  Tourism - Najib Balala
114.  Energy & Petroleum - Charles Keter
115.  Health - Dr Cleopa Kilonzo Mailu
116.  Labour & EAC Affairs - Phylis J K Kandie
117.  Defence - Amb Dr Raychelle Awuor Omamo
118.  Lands - Prof Jacob T Kaimenyi
119.  Industrialization - Adan Mohamed
220.  ICT - Joe Mucheru
221.  Attorney General - Prof Dr Githu Muigai

11.      Agriculture- Richard Lesiyampe
22.      Arts, Culture - Joe Okudo
33.      Basic Education - Dr Belio Kipsang
44.      Broadcasting & Telecommunications - Sammy Itemere
55.      Cooperatives - Ali Noor Ismail
66.      Correctional Services - Micah Powon
77.      Defence - Amb Peter K Kaberia
88.      Devolution - Mwanamaka Mabruki
99.      EAC Integration - Betty Chemutai Maina
110.  Energy - Eng Joseph Njoroge
111.  Environment - Charles Sunkuli
112.  Fisheries - Prof Ntiba Micheni
113.  Interior - Eng Karanja Kibicho
114.  Youth and Public Service - Lilian Omollo
115.  Health - Nicholas Muraguri
116.  Housing & Urban Development - Aidah Munano
117.  ICT & Innovation - Victor Kyalo
118.  Industry & Enterprise Development - Julius Korir
119.  Infrastructure - John Musonik
220.  Foreign - Dr Amb Monica Juma
221.  International Trade - Dr Chris Kiptoo
222.  Irrigation - Patrick Nduati Mwangi
223.  Labour - Khadija Kassachoom
224.  Lands - Mariam El Maawy
225.  Livestock - Dr Andrew K Tuimur
226.  Maritime Commerce - Nancy Karigithu
227.  Mining - Dr Mohammed Ibrahim Mahmud
228.  National Treasury - Kamau Thugge
229.  National Water Services - Fred Sigor
330.  Natural Resources - Dr Margaret Mwakima
331.  Petroleum - Andrew Kamau Nganga
332.  Planning & Statistics - Saitoti Torome
333.  Public Works - Dr Paul Maringa Mwangi
334.  Social Security & Services - Susan Mochache
335.  Special Programmes - Josepheta Mukobe
336.  Sports Development - Richard Ekai
337.  Tourism - Fatuma Hersi
338.  Transport - Wilson Nyakera Irungu
339.  University (Higher) Education - Prof Colleta Suda
440.  Vocational & Technical Training - Dr Dinah Jerotich Mwinzi
441.  Gender Affairs - Zeinab W Hussein

Tuesday 15 September 2015

His Excellency,Hon.Uhuru Kenyatta.

Not unless somebody talks to him in his language, two words,
TEACHERS… STRIKE will forever be friends,
 And will live happily ever after!

Owing to the current situation of the ongoing teachers strike, pupils have wasted two weeks of their study time, this being the third week. This is not just total injustice to children but also webbing the future of this country.  Our own parents have decided to act mud to the extent of up-down throwing their behinds on camera in the name of a Demo’? This is not just so shameful but rather perversion, an abomination to an African woman! If this must be the way to call for salary increase then I beseech the African woman to tie a ‘lesso’ on the waist as opposed to the ‘naked’ long pants.

 I am left wondering how on earth am I supposed to perceive my CRE teacher who teaches morals after such crazy dances! Women teachers running and jumping here and there without caring about their ‘flexible movables’! Ooh no! Let men act rough and women remain gentle, keep your flexi-personals intact. It bores the eyes! You will make us develop wrinkles before we grow old. Watching a fellow women acting like a 2-months old kitten???

KNUT and KUPPET fraternity should plan their strikes well, allocating roles appropriately, I would suggest so. Demos’ are not bad but the ‘sarakasi’ (dance) involved in it should also leave the public wanting to see you again anywhere on planet earth.

A good leader can engage in a debate frankly and thoroughly, knowing that at the end he and the other side must be closer, and thus emerge stronger. You don’t have that idea when you are arrogant, superficial, and uninformed-Nelson Mandela.

His Excellency Mr. President, this are the times when your qualities and Principles as a leader should be outstanding. A call to test. Peace is not just the absence of war but rather ensuring that you triumph through it. Wading on it just like a ‘Bata’ (duck) does in water to reach the other end fast only stirs up feelings.

Perhaps Mr. President remained silent on the issue of salary increment due to the kind of approach on him. Maybe it could be ‘a non-issue’ .To all the stakeholders and the public, know that if you talk to a man in a language he understands, that goes to his head. If you talk to him in his language, that goes to his heart. Therefore, not unless somebody talks to him in his language, then the two words, TEACHERS… STRIKE will forever be friends and will live happily ever after.  

By ginny grace,
For critical minds.

Friday 17 July 2015

July 18 is International Mandela Day. Therefore, today's quote focuses on Mandela's famous quotes. Keep them coming...
“Lead from the back — and let others believe they are in front.”
― Nelson Mandela
A leader. . .is like a shepherd. He stays behind the flock, letting the most nimble go out ahead, whereupon the others follow, not realizing that all along they are being directed from behind.”
― Nelson Mandela, Long Walk to Freedom

Tuesday 23 June 2015

KUSEMA NA KUTENDA ;Three Words You Need in Your Vocub'

You can gnash your teeth like a rodent, but come to think of it!
They say we don’t know what we’ve got until its gone, what about we don’t know what we’ve been missing until it arrives ?I think the KUSEMA NA KUTENDA slogan is still much better than the vocal OKOA KENYA thing, especially to the common mwananchi like you and me. I know how much it is expensive to bring down a story building that has been generating a lot of zero income, at the thought of the much effort and force you have input to let it stand, it pains!
However, you must realize that the only option you have left is to either do away with it, or just do away with it completely. Now, think beyond whatever you have been used to in terms of politics and discover that opportunity you are abusing. Well, you can scratch your head to that effect. Being stiff necked, like a faithful married man, denies you the freedom to glance at other men’s wives outside there. Anyway, in as much as this is not a marriage, be single and realize that there are a number of women around town, Come-on Jubilee and Cord are the major damsels Kenya has and you as the citizen have the choice to determine tomorrow. ‘Do not let the behavior of others destroy your inner peace’, Dalai Lama.
I mean, must we always let our ears to funnel the bla bla bla and blaz at political arenas, then deem our heads to destroy and burn public property including our own TOILETS??? Then claim of poor sanitation in the name of Flying Toilets???? Where will you dump your HotCakes after destroying public facility??? Really??? Halloos…..Kibra…are you there??? Oh nooo…plizzz can you stop defining stupidity with salt-price politics.
I must say that I am impressed to have heard the women who were bold enough to support NYS project and more so the Devolution CS Anne Waiguru. See? They have tirelessly worked to off-load our dumpsites and at least build public toilets to someone who is abit senseless outside there, and the ‘Mulika mwizi’ (Adopter Lights) slum upgrading idea just to mention a few. Don’t you prefer ‘Baba’ who teaches you to fish than ‘Baba’ who gives you a ¼ loaf for a family of 10 and empty ‘sweet’ words so that you are at his mercy tomorrow? Mmm…I still prefer KUSEMA Na KUTENDA. ‘Juzi Juzi ‘(recently) they came to your hood, their TharakaNithi, if I may say, campaigning for ID registration in turn to garner your votes come the year 20...I don’t know.
This time round KUDOS to His Excellency Mr. President and the Devolution CS, Anne Waiguru for what they have achieved despite their weaknesses. No one is perfect and I know you know this! Good works are commendable and this is the reason as to why the alleged drug dealer, Nairobi Senator, Alias Mike Sonko and the likes could be YOUR next Mr. President. I know you have now started gnashing your teeth like a rodent. Well, it is not a crime.
Remember change starts with you and me, we cannot continue eating rotten mangoes lavishly expecting good health, we shall for sure continue complaining till wrinkles shall overwhelm our faces. If you are the smartest person in the room, you are in the wrong room, ‘ujaluo utakuua’. Don’t say you miss me when it’s your fault, am gone. I must sign out this piece with these words at least  for someone to remember; ‘Sarcasm is the ability to insult idiots without them realizing it’

For Critical Minds, By ginnygrace
Photo/Nairobinews/Evelyne Musambi

Tuesday 14 April 2015


Why a Roundabout? A piece for Nairobi Governor, Evans Kidero

Really? Roundabouts causing traffic snarl-up???Oh…Nooo….The whole idea of Roundabouts came up with safety aspects and not to create traffic snarl-up in major towns as have been supposed in Kenya today. Why shouldn’t the roundabouts work in Kenya? The thorough research done for over 5 months by the Central and county Govt as said by Dr. Kidero’s Director of Communications Walter Mongare should re-do the task and come up with the exact reason for traffic confusion and not politicize the issue. With reference to the U.S Department of Transport, Federal Highway Administration Roundabouts have safety aspects.
  • Improve safety
  • Reduce congestion and pollution
  • Save money
  • Complement other common community values

  • Proper pavement markings help drivers navigate the roundabout
Major points to make:
  • The photos/diagrams alongside show the various pavement markings that are used at modern roundabouts.
  • Left: A lane-use "fishhook" diagram that can be used for multi-lane roundabouts.
  • Upper right: Dotted circulatory roadway delineation line
  • Lower right: Yield line marking
Major points to make:
  • In addition to the safety benefits described, modern roundabouts can also:
    • Reduce congestion because they are efficient during both peak hours and other times
    • Impose less delay on drivers
    • Reduce pollution and fuel use
    • Lead to fewer stops and fewer hard accelerations
    • Reduce the amount of time drivers spend idling

 This is the way to go! We are not any different from the countries that have adopted he modern roundabouts. Its another century and we must keep abreast with the new technology all round. All in a ll i think we should emulate this.

Monday 13 April 2015

communicationaid: Amalgamated hearts somewhere;new strategies ought ...

communicationaid: Amalgamated hearts somewhere;new strategies ought ...: My heartfelt condolence to the affected Garrisa brothers.   The Garissa massacre  scenario calls for an urgent need for the Kenyan Gov...

Amalgamated hearts somewhere;new strategies ought to be thought of!!!

My heartfelt condolence to the affected Garrisa brothers.  The Garissa massacre  scenario calls for an urgent need for the Kenyan Government together with the Security sector to think twice about being too good to host refugees. Just as has been proposed by he North Eastern Members of Parliament, let the government bring to a close the Dadaab camp once and for all! Yes, security measures must be taken for the sake of our house, The End Justifies the Means. If at all this will call for  the withdrawal of our  'uniformed MEN' in Somalia then lets unite in his as KenyaMoja.

There is need for the authority  to unearth amalgamated hearts somewhere who are responsible for the recent rampant terror attacks in Kenya. Just by someone saying they will name the people responsible/funding Al-shabaab in a months time is no longer pleasing to the ear,lets act exactly and immediately with humane hearts. 

The security must and with much aggression  up their old-school strategies in preventing and managing Terror attacks. This Al-shabaab- trouble should now be a thing of the past. You never fill the cruelty of death until it knocks your door.  
How can  a cat  approach a fish pot and not a water pot without any hint? No, there must be a smell well known to it, a lead to the right place. Otherwise it will sup the water with its whiskers and miss the point. I think people must have coalesced somewhere and giving a hint to the 'cat' for selfish benefits.

Lets start thinking otherwise concerning this hosting refugees thing and give it a try. Think about our KDF soldiers in Somalia and see if ere is anything coming out of their long stay there and open up your mind.Do not be fast to refute the idea without making any try for a failure or success. Support one another.
My bitter words...i have opined!

Saturday 7 February 2015


communicationaid: ENTERTAINMENT THERAPY: Entertainment Therapy Entertainments are a form of activities that are meant to hold the attention and interest of a given audience...


Entertainment Therapy
Entertainments are a form of activities that are meant to hold the attention and interest of a given audience.They usually give pleasure and delight to viewers. The Arabi television is one of the media through entertainment can reach the world. This television provides other programs such as Arabic news, Arab films, sports and talk shows.
There are various media through which entertainment can reach the mass audience. These are channels such as the electronic media that includes television. Radio, computer and print media like the magazines and books.
Arabic television entertains the world via the BBC live. The Arabic entertainment is important.This is a conclusion under the patronage of His Highness Sheikh Majid Bin Mohammed Bin Rashid Al Maktoum, chairman of Dubai Culture and Arts Authority, at the sixth annual Big Entertainment Show on Tuesday 19th November 2013,with a special awards ceremony at the Dubai International Convention and Exhibition Center.