Tuesday 14 April 2015


Why a Roundabout? A piece for Nairobi Governor, Evans Kidero

Really? Roundabouts causing traffic snarl-up???Oh…Nooo….The whole idea of Roundabouts came up with safety aspects and not to create traffic snarl-up in major towns as have been supposed in Kenya today. Why shouldn’t the roundabouts work in Kenya? The thorough research done for over 5 months by the Central and county Govt as said by Dr. Kidero’s Director of Communications Walter Mongare should re-do the task and come up with the exact reason for traffic confusion and not politicize the issue. With reference to the U.S Department of Transport, Federal Highway Administration Roundabouts have safety aspects.
  • Improve safety
  • Reduce congestion and pollution
  • Save money
  • Complement other common community values

  • Proper pavement markings help drivers navigate the roundabout
Major points to make:
  • The photos/diagrams alongside show the various pavement markings that are used at modern roundabouts.
  • Left: A lane-use "fishhook" diagram that can be used for multi-lane roundabouts.
  • Upper right: Dotted circulatory roadway delineation line
  • Lower right: Yield line marking
Major points to make:
  • In addition to the safety benefits described, modern roundabouts can also:
    • Reduce congestion because they are efficient during both peak hours and other times
    • Impose less delay on drivers
    • Reduce pollution and fuel use
    • Lead to fewer stops and fewer hard accelerations
    • Reduce the amount of time drivers spend idling

 This is the way to go! We are not any different from the countries that have adopted he modern roundabouts. Its another century and we must keep abreast with the new technology all round. All in a ll i think we should emulate this.

Monday 13 April 2015

communicationaid: Amalgamated hearts somewhere;new strategies ought ...

communicationaid: Amalgamated hearts somewhere;new strategies ought ...: My heartfelt condolence to the affected Garrisa brothers.   The Garissa massacre  scenario calls for an urgent need for the Kenyan Gov...

Amalgamated hearts somewhere;new strategies ought to be thought of!!!

My heartfelt condolence to the affected Garrisa brothers.  The Garissa massacre  scenario calls for an urgent need for the Kenyan Government together with the Security sector to think twice about being too good to host refugees. Just as has been proposed by he North Eastern Members of Parliament, let the government bring to a close the Dadaab camp once and for all! Yes, security measures must be taken for the sake of our house, The End Justifies the Means. If at all this will call for  the withdrawal of our  'uniformed MEN' in Somalia then lets unite in his as KenyaMoja.

There is need for the authority  to unearth amalgamated hearts somewhere who are responsible for the recent rampant terror attacks in Kenya. Just by someone saying they will name the people responsible/funding Al-shabaab in a months time is no longer pleasing to the ear,lets act exactly and immediately with humane hearts. 

The security must and with much aggression  up their old-school strategies in preventing and managing Terror attacks. This Al-shabaab- trouble should now be a thing of the past. You never fill the cruelty of death until it knocks your door.  
How can  a cat  approach a fish pot and not a water pot without any hint? No, there must be a smell well known to it, a lead to the right place. Otherwise it will sup the water with its whiskers and miss the point. I think people must have coalesced somewhere and giving a hint to the 'cat' for selfish benefits.

Lets start thinking otherwise concerning this hosting refugees thing and give it a try. Think about our KDF soldiers in Somalia and see if ere is anything coming out of their long stay there and open up your mind.Do not be fast to refute the idea without making any try for a failure or success. Support one another.
My bitter words...i have opined!