Monday 12 December 2022

Benefits of Squats for back pain

Squats exercise relieved my back pains!

Squats have quite a number of benefits and can be performed as part of one's regular exercise.

I have experienced a lot of lower back aches for the past 2 years to mention. This has been a result of sitting in office chairs for long hours with limited movements in the just recent Covid Work from Home times. Well, yes, it has been fun working within the confines of your house, but wait, are you doing anything about your evening and morning walks that was just kinda cut short in a  way?

Key to first note is that lower back pain poses difficulties in:

  • Bending and body balancing
  • lifting heavy weight
  • Breastfeeding
  • Walking long distance
  • Dance moves

However with regular practice, one can relieve his/herself from such tragedy by committing to daily squats.

Within my 15mins exercise time, I carry out 20 squats, on a daily, monthly basis. 2 months down the line I can easily squat without any lower back pain.

Squats strengthen your lower body, targeting your glutes and other muscles like the Hamstrings and the hip muscles.

Exercising squats along with other body exercises such lunges, runs, and back and front kicks as a morning routine has given me great relief that I can smile about, and so you can.

Health benefits are not for the faint-hearted, commitment is fundamental for one to achieve success. It is never too late, JUST START!

Squats help;

  • Improve Flexibility
  • Keeps bones and muscles firm
  • Shape your legs and butt as it targets the glutes and inner thighs muscles
  • It helps one feel and look good.
  • Burn calories fast

And lastly, it gives you that sassy look! Rejuvenated skin! and a Youthful smile!😜

Watch out for a video on how to carry out squats soon.

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