Saturday 7 February 2015


communicationaid: ENTERTAINMENT THERAPY: Entertainment Therapy Entertainments are a form of activities that are meant to hold the attention and interest of a given audience...


Entertainment Therapy
Entertainments are a form of activities that are meant to hold the attention and interest of a given audience.They usually give pleasure and delight to viewers. The Arabi television is one of the media through entertainment can reach the world. This television provides other programs such as Arabic news, Arab films, sports and talk shows.
There are various media through which entertainment can reach the mass audience. These are channels such as the electronic media that includes television. Radio, computer and print media like the magazines and books.
Arabic television entertains the world via the BBC live. The Arabic entertainment is important.This is a conclusion under the patronage of His Highness Sheikh Majid Bin Mohammed Bin Rashid Al Maktoum, chairman of Dubai Culture and Arts Authority, at the sixth annual Big Entertainment Show on Tuesday 19th November 2013,with a special awards ceremony at the Dubai International Convention and Exhibition Center.

communicationaid: HEALTH MESSAGE

communicationaid: HEALTH MESSAGE: Effects of Panic attack on health and fitness There is an urgent need for human beings to frequently check up on their health status....


Effects of Panic attack on health and fitness
There is an urgent need for human beings to frequently check up on their health status. This is due to the health issues associated with life style which has seen the death rate steadily rise in many nations. Health check up helps individuals to keep fit and able to do their daily chores with much flexibility. Some of the popular diseases associated with the way we feed are like diabetes, high and low blood pressure, goiter, obesity among others. However, we do forget that panic also does much harm to the body functioning which may lead to health problems. These are pressure related problems.
Care should be take to avoid instances that can cause or lead to panic of the body system. Panic refers to the sudden sensation that makes an individual to instantly loose thinking and hence improper reasoning. Panic can bring to a stop the body functioning for some time. In circumstances of serious panic, ones body system can come to a stop for quite a long time. This usually known as fainting in common language. Worse is that when an individual looses breath for such long periods , then he or she may succumb to death if not given the required first aid attention. Therefore, we should always get equipped with the first aid kit and knowledge on how to use or assist people in  critical condition before they seek medical attention.
 When one panics they loose much water from the body through sweating. Perspiration rapidly takes place since the adrenaline in the body is released in excess to counteract the fear encountered. Such a victim of panic should hence avoid  hot environment so as to reduce the rate of perspiration in the body system. When the body releases adrenaline in excess, then it means that it is working at a higher speed than the normal expected rate.
Panic attacks may lead to an individual developing a medical condition known as panic disorder or chemical imbalance in other terms. It results to a phobia in an individuals system. Panic disorder  is known by frequent recurring of serious panic attacks. However, an individual should not keep distressed about when the next panic attach will occur since they are unpredicted.
To keep healthy and fit, panic away programs should be brought up by medical agencies. Through these programs individuals get to be aware of ways of dealing with panic attacks.